Article originally written by Payam Fazli for on 21 Feb 2024


In the context of the 21st century, it is imperative that all texts purporting to offer ethical guidance, including religious scriptures, and in particular the Quran, are evaluated according to uniform ethical standards. This evaluation is crucial to ensure that these texts align with contemporary values and principles of human rights and dignity.

The reluctance of Islamic leadership within liberal societies to adapt or reinterpret the Quranic text so that it aligns with modern ethical norms presents a significant challenge to harmony and multiculturalism in modern society. In instances where religious authorities resist such necessary evolution, it becomes incumbent upon secular political leaders to advocate for and implement legislative measures that promote these essential changes including, but not limited to, revising and regulating the content of future versions of the Quran before publishing in the free world.

There is a pressing need to critically address and, where necessary, restrict the dissemination of specific Quranic verses deemed unethical or criminal by contemporary standards. This includes verses that may be interpreted to condone or incite crimes against humanity, war crimes, acts of violence such as rape and murder, and misogynistic behaviours, including the endorsement of violence against women.

To this end, if the publication of the Quran in societies that uphold freedom of speech and religion is to continue, it should be done with careful consideration of the content. Editions made available in these contexts should exclude or reinterpret verses that conflict with accepted ethical norms, ensuring that religious texts do not undermine the foundational values of equality, justice, and human welfare.

This approach should also extend to the regulation of Quranic texts imported into liberal democracies, as well as to the digital and physical copies utilised within mosques and other Islamic centres. By adopting a consistent and critical stance towards the ethical content of all religious texts, societies can better safeguard the principles of human rights and contribute to the cultivation of a more inclusive, respectful, and ethically coherent public discourse.


چکیده نوشتار به زبان پارسی:

در قرن بیست و یکم، همه متون اخلاقی، از جمله قرآن، باید بر اساس یک استاندارد اخلاقی یکسان و منطبق با اصول حقوق اساسی شهروندی قرن بیست و یکم قضاوت شوند. این نگاه یکسان و برابر برای هماهنگی با ارزش‌های مدرن و حقوق بشر ضروری است. تردید رهبران جوامع اسلامی که در کشور های جهان آزاد زندگی می کنند در انطباق دادن قرآن با این استانداردهای اخلاقی قرن بیست و یکمی، چالشی برای همزیستی چندفرهنگی است.
نیاز به بازبینی انتقادی و محدودیت آیات قرآنی که غیراخلاقی تلقی می‌شوند وجود دارد. پیشنهاد می‌شود که سازمان های انتشاراتی که قرآن چاپ می کنند در جوامع آزاد باید محتوا را با دقت در نظر بگیرند، آیاتی که با هنجارهای اخلاقی در تضاد هستند را حذف یا مجدداً بازسازی کنند تا ارزش‌های برابری، عدالت، و رفاه انسانی حفظ شود.
انتشار فیزیکی یا دیجیتال قرآن به شکل حاضر، چند فرهنگی را در جوامع سکولار به خطر می اندازد.

پیام فضلی ۲۱ فوریه ۲۰۲۴

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